Rapid eFPGA Configurator

Bhavin Shah

In an era of continual technological advancement and evolution, companies are challenged to innovate in a quick, effective, and secure manner. These challenges are no small feat in the traditional hardware industry where organizations often struggle to keep pace with the changing market demands, leading to longer time-to-market, higher costs, and limited flexibility.

Our Blog

Rapid eFPGA Configurator

In an era of continual technological advancement and evolution, companies are challenged to innovate in a quick, effective, and secure manner. These challenges are no small feat…

Raptor Design Suite: A Call to Arms

In my previous blogs, I introduced the Raptor Design Suite, a comprehensive open-source SDK for FPGA compilation. Raptor Design Suite comes with a multitude of features to streamline…

Raptor Design Suite, What’s in It for You?

Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the newly released Raptor Design Suite, now available as a fully open-source platform. Let’s delve into the specifics of the SDK...

Mechanics of Open-Sourcing the Raptor Design Suite

After 2.5 years of operating in a hybrid fashion—some pieces in the open, some in the private realm—we decided it was time to embrace open-source fully…

Novel Ways to Bind Software to Hardware Using AI

Artificial intelligence and FPGAs have a synergistic relationship. The ability to customize accelerators in hardware, coupled with the abundance of…

How Open Source Is Creating a Paradigm Shift in the FPGA World

I am often asked why I believe open-source principles are so important to the FPGA market. When I started my career in the FPGA world, 15 or so years ago…

Rapid Silicon’s EDA Shakeup!

The results of the latest École polytechnique fĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL) Combinational Benchmark Suite competition are in. Rapid Silicon’s Raptor out-performed all leading EDA…

Raptor Deep Dive

A few weeks ago, we looked at took a high-level view of the open-source tools which are combined to create the Rapid Silicon Raptor tool chain. In this blog we are going to look through the tool…

Why I Joined Rapid Silicon

When I joined Rapid Silicon, I was keen to be part of a company that’s revolutionizing programmable compute. And now, more than eight months in, I am witnessing how Rapid Silicon is building application…

Raptor Open-Source Tool Chain

One of the game changing elements of the announcement from Rapid Silicon was that the entire tool chain would be based on open-source tools. This is particularly exciting because it will enable…

Open-Source FPGA and Tool Chain

One of the most common requests in the FPGA community is for open-source tools. Enter Rapid Silicon who recently announced their Gemini devices. Rapid Silicon’s devices are not only based upon…